CYME Users Group Meeting 2020 Re-engineered!
When: Monday, June 15th, 2020 → Thursday, June 18th, 2020 132 Seats Available
CYME Users Group Meeting 2020 Re-engineered!


Connect with us at our Virtual Users Group Meeting this June

The CYME Software Users Group has been re-engineered for a travel-free online format this year. This annual event has always been a unique occasion to unite the international user community and the CYME team to look at current and future challenges together. Through presentations and discussions, our virtual event aims to engage conversations, keep you informed and help us all stay connected.

For registration assistance please contact:

June 15 – June 18

This virtual Users Group Meeting is split into 4 sessions – one session per day, and each session is approximately 3 hours. Join us for one or all of the sessions, and it is absolutely FREE to all CYME Software users!!!

  • Learn about our on-going development roadmap with new features presentations (June 15 and 16)
  • Provide feedback and discuss analytical needs at the open-forum discussion (June 17)
  • See how some utilities are using CYME modules to address different challenges (June 18)

Monday June 15 – New Features Demonstration – Part 1, 1pm – 4pm EST

Meeting number (access code): 120 140 1782 Meeting password: XfpxWPWH326

  • Presentation and demonstration of the latest enhancements to the CYME Software

Tuesday June 16 – New Features Demonstration – Part 2, 1pm – 4pm EST

  • Presentation and demonstration of the latest enhancements to the CYME Software

Wednesday June 17 – Open-forum and Requests Discussion, 1pm – 4pm EST

  • Open discussion on enhancement requests from the user community

Thursday June 18 – Technical Use-Case Presentations, 1pm – 4:15pm EST

  • Utility presentations on various innovative, novel use cases of the CYME Software

1:00 – 1:45pm EST: Advanced Planning at Duke Energy

Presenter: Wallace Guthrie, Duke Energy

Description: Duke Energy is building a set of tools for advanced planning that includes Cyme and other processes / toolsets.  Work to date with Cyme has included enhancements with time series power flows, battery analysis, integrated (G/T/D) planning functionality, variant analysis (APM) and financial estimating.

2:00 – 2:45pm EST: PCS – An ENEL tool to evaluate the network structure and risks

Presenter: Arthur Oliveira Silva and Agostino Galati, ENEL

Description: The presentation intends to show an implementation of a Python code at CYME which gives the user a way to measure the risk of losing part of the network due to failures – named PCS ( Parametro di Criticità Strutturale - Structural criticality parameter). The main objective of the tool is to highlight the lack of supply restoration and/or lack of switching devices (recloser, automatic switches, sectionalizers etc). For example, for a given "island", based on the length of its sections and the number of connected clients, the tool allows the user to see the network’s weaknesses and no-supplying risk.

This methodology is available in one of ENEL's internal policies and, until then, there was no software in the group able to carry out this analysis in a massive way. In this sense, this work aims to present the relevance of the index, the development of the tool through a partner company and the challenges of applying the code in the different network models present in the ENEL group's DSOs.

3:00 – 3:45pm EST – National Grid DG Screening tool for NY IOAP using CYME Server

Presenter: John Fritz, Matthew Hearing and Michael Falls, National Grid

Description: This presentation to the CYME Users group meeting in June 2020 will cover the National Grid experience in integrating a CYME Server into the National Grid “IOAP” in 2019. “NY IOAP” is the New York Interconnection Online Application Portal. The National Grid IOAP was built in response to the NY Public Service Commissions (PSC) “Reforming the Energy initiative” (REV) order. The State of New York requested that Electric Utilities implement the Standardized Interconnection Requirements (NY SIR) through an internet web Portal for Distributed Generation Interconnections. National Grid worked with CYME to incorporate a CYME Server into the National Grid “Salesforce Platform” to perform Automated DG screening based on the IOAP Screening Criterion C-F. The process to be presented includes: 1)Generation Developers use the portal to file an application. 2) The Application information is stored in Salesforce and then 3) A project evaluator: launches the automated project screen from a button within Salesforce and then 4) CYME Server “Pre-Checks” for the feeder location and then the Technical Review / Preliminary Screens C: System Rating, D: Line Configuration, E: Generation Penetration test, and F: Voltage Fluctuation Test. This presentation will focus on the CYME Server implementation and screen calculations.

4:00 – 4:45pm EST: CYME Protection Analyses for Fire Threat Areas

Presenter: Wyatt Pierce, PacifiCorp

Description: In response to the growing attention on fire high consequence areas, PacifiCorp committed to the study of fault clearing metrics and ignition probabilities for certain portions of its California service territory. This presentation will highlight some of the methods used, and conclusions from our protection analyses in CYME, studying fault energy, clearing times and cumulative exposure associated with four parameters: applied voltage, ground fault impedance, line fault impedance and DER contribution to faults.

We reserve the right to modify, cancel and limit any participation.

Registration for this event is closed


Nova Recloser


Monday, June 15th, 2020 → Thursday, June 18th, 2020, from 1:00 to 4:15 (US/Eastern)


Mon, June, 15th 2020

This year our CYME Users Group open forum will take on a different format to accommodate for the high participation level in a remote-environment.

During this 2-hour forum session, we will focus on selected requests from the North American Users Group. Each request of the North American Users Group belongs to a participating company with an assigned participant, and we have categorized these requests into different themes. During the forum this Wednesday, we will name the request  Read more...and the forum facilitator will turn on the microphone of the assigned participant to explain to the audience their request. After each request, the entire audience will be polled to provide CYME with valuable feedback.

Here are a few ground rules to ensure a proper, respectful and fruitful dialogue:
• Please keep your microphone on mute unless you are asked to speak.
• Please keep your video camera off.
• If you have a question, please use the chat function and do not turn on your microphone. We will collect all questions and get back to you.
• The forum facilitator will unmute the participant(s) to elaborate on a request. Please wait for your turn and do not unmute your phone on your own.
• Please always identify yourself by name and company.
• Due to the extraordinary participation and the number of issues to address, a short and concise discussion is greatly appreciated. Please focus on one single request at a given time.
• After each question, a poll will appear on the WebEx interface. We strongly encourage you to participate to help us hear what you think.

We thank you for your enthusiastic participation, and for your help and patience in making the forum an informative discussion.
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Eric Lopez(WOL) likes this.
I am currently register for the events on Monday, however, I am not able to joint, can you assist me, thanks#cyme-users-group-meeting
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I am also registered and cannot seem to access the meeting. Does anyone have the link to join?
I am also registered and cannot seem to access the meeting. Does anyone have the link to join?
Hi, I have registered for the User group meeting. I have received the registration confirmation and event reminder email but never go the instructions how and where to attend this meeting online. Can anyone please help here?

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Loring Kaveney
Candy Kwok
Megan Freeman
CYME Users Group Meeting 2020 Re-engineered!
