Free Virtual EAS Users Training - SMP Gateway automation platform User Group
When: Friday, September 18th, 2020 from 9:30 to 11:30 (US/Central)
Free Virtual EAS Users Training - SMP Gateway automation platform User Group


Join WebEx meeting   

Meeting number (access code): 120 286 6649 Meeting password: VwVNNZsJ654    Join from a video system or applicationDial  

You can also dial and enter your meeting number.   

From the Eaton internal network, dial *77* and the 9-digit meeting number.From the Eaton internal network, open below link for Video address list.    

Tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only)  +1-669-234-1708,,1202866649## US Toll  Join by phone  +1-669-234-1708 US Toll  Global call-in numbers  |  Toll-free calling restrictions     Can't join the meeting?

EASD Users Training is being transformed into a travel-free online format this year that you can listen to from the comfort of your own home! Made up of a series that will run Monday, September 14 – Friday, September 18, 2020, each product line will present for up to three hours on one of the five days so you can attend all sessions without worrying about overlap!

This is the SMP Annual User group meeting. Eaton will be presenting the latest enhancement to the SMP automation platform and will discuss the road map items. This is a great opportunity for our customers to bring their suggestion to the table and contribute to the product enhancement!

This invite is for the SMP User Group WebEx only.

Registration for this event is closed


Nova Recloser


Friday, September 18th, 2020 from 9:30 to 11:30 (US/Central)



Megan Freeman
Eric Lebeau
Francois Turcotte
Free Virtual EAS Users Training - SMP Gateway automation platform User Group
