DR - Demand Response

Since September, 2017

DR - Demand Response

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Darlene Oleksik
Megan Freeman
Roger Rognli
Ryan Brager
William Arnlund


Agustin Glenn
Agyeman Stephen Opoku
Alayande Akintunde
Alexander Roger
Ali Mansab
Anderson Steven
Annan Albert
Apeña Reyes Maximo
Arden Daniel


load control
demand response
Fri, August, 12th 2022

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Thu, March, 10th 2022


Forum Question/Topic:


Anyone have issues getting LCR 6700's into Yukon?

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We installed some 6700 series LCR's and created the template in Yukon but the devices are not making their way into Yukon. We can see them in Network Manager but not in Yukon. Trying to see if anyone else had issues getting 6700 LCR's into their system.
load management
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We have a couple deployments using the 6700 RFN LCR and haven't had issues getting devices into Yukon. Normally I create the template within Database Editor. One thing we've seen with AMI deployments is a line of code in the Database needs to changed from the default setting to allow details from NM into Yukon. It's a toggle from No to Yes or vice versa and the project manager at Eaton generally takes care of that. Maybe something similar on the load control side as well.
Wed, September, 15th 2021

Join us for a FREE webinar featuring the latest innovations with Demand Response on Tuesday, October 5th starting at 9 am (Central Time). Check the EVENTS section to register now!
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Wed, August, 11th 2021

Anyone here doing fixed monthly credits for air source heat pump control year round?
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I know some MRES member communities credited $5 or so during summer months to get more volunteers on AC control and maybe $2 monthly for WH control year round
Thu, April, 29th 2021

It's not too late to register for the FREE webinar on our CAT M1 IoT technology providing cellular DR enhancement capabilities. Join us at 12 noon ET on TODAY!

You should have received an email with the meeting link if you already registered. Please check your spam folders if you do not see the email.
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Was the presentation recorded? I could not attend and would be willing to listen to it. Thanks!
Fri, February, 26th 2021

WEBINAR REMINDER: Join us on March 9th at 12 noon ET and learn more about our CAT M1 IoT technology providing cellular DR enhancement capabilities.

SAME WEBINAR, NEW NAME... Register now and learn more!
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Tue, February, 9th 2021

REMINDER: Don't forget to join the Better power supply management with M&V and load forecasting solutions webinar today at 12 noon ET.

If you have already registered, you received an email with the meeting login. Please check your spam folder if you have not received it.
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Wed, January, 6th 2021

If you were not able to join the webinar, the link below will allow you to view the webinar.

The video is also stored in the video tab above to view.

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If you were not able to join the webinar, the link below will allow you to view the webinar.

The video is also stored in the video tab above to view.

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Tue, December, 8th 2020

Today is the Advanced Water Heater Controls webinar. Register now as the webinar starts in an hour!
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Fri, December, 4th 2020

Don't forget to REGISTER for our FREE WEBINAR

Learn more about how Eaton’s Advanced Water Heater Control Hot Water Assurance helps utilities prevent cold-water events, manage energy usage times and optimize rates to minimize energy costs.

See you Tuesday, 12/11/20 at 11:00 CT!
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Tue, November, 17th 2020

how to join in meeting?
Join the conversation: ci-curtailment »
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Sumit, you should have received an email. Please check your SPAM folder.
It's not too late to register for our FREE webinar TOMORROW, Tuesday, 11/17. Learn more about Eaton’s C&I Curtailment module as experts review its technical aspects and advantages.​ Register under the events tab to take part in this online event and connect with the EAS community!
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hi any meeting id? how to join
Wed, November, 4th 2020


Eaton’s C&I curtailment module allows utility companies to implement a robust, customizable solution maximizing efficiencies for each customer’s unique business requirements. ​​

Join us for our FREE webinar on Tuesday, 11/17 and learn more about Eaton’s C&I Curtailment module as experts review its technical aspects and advantages.​ Register under the events tab to take part in this online event and connect with the EAS community!
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Tue, September, 1st 2020

Guess what!?!?

2 sessions added on Friday – IED Management Suite User Group and SMP User Group!

Join us for the now 8-part Users Training Monday, September 14 -Friday, September 18th that will take place online. It has almost everything (besides meeting everyone in person!) our attendees have loved in the past: new features demonstrations, open-forum user request discussion and utility use-case technical presentations. Did we also say it is completely FREE for EAS  Read more...users?

Register under the events tab to take part in this online event and connect with the EAS community! Each of the 8 presentations requires separate registration. The webinar link will be emailed separately the morning of each presentation and only to those who have registered for that specific presentation.  Show less...
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