
Mon, June, 15th 2020

This year our CYME Users Group open forum will take on a different format to accommodate for the high participation level in a remote-environment.

During this 2-hour forum session, we will focus on selected requests from the North American Users Group. Each request of the North American Users Group belongs to a participating company with an assigned participant, and we have categorized these requests into different themes. During the forum this Wednesday, we will name the request  Read more...and the forum facilitator will turn on the microphone of the assigned participant to explain to the audience their request. After each request, the entire audience will be polled to provide CYME with valuable feedback.

Here are a few ground rules to ensure a proper, respectful and fruitful dialogue:
• Please keep your microphone on mute unless you are asked to speak.
• Please keep your video camera off.
• If you have a question, please use the chat function and do not turn on your microphone. We will collect all questions and get back to you.
• The forum facilitator will unmute the participant(s) to elaborate on a request. Please wait for your turn and do not unmute your phone on your own.
• Please always identify yourself by name and company.
• Due to the extraordinary participation and the number of issues to address, a short and concise discussion is greatly appreciated. Please focus on one single request at a given time.
• After each question, a poll will appear on the WebEx interface. We strongly encourage you to participate to help us hear what you think.

We thank you for your enthusiastic participation, and for your help and patience in making the forum an informative discussion.
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